Dragon Ball Wiki

Dub is the main protagonist in Akira Toriyama's Dub & Peter 1 manga. He and his best friend Peter also make a cameo in Dragon Ball Heroes: Victory Mission.


Dub & Peter 1

Dub is a strong and chubby young man interested in picking up girls. He thinks he can not conquer the heart of a girl his scooter as his only mean of locomotion, and he wants a car. To get one, he asks his best friend Peter to build him a really fast car. As Dub can not pay Peter, he names the car "Peter 1" in his honor.


Dub in his new car

While taking the car on a drive in Pepper Town, Dub meets a girl named Elizabeth about to be kidnapped by two thugs, Lord Asatias and Rock. Dub gets out of his car and starts fighting them. After knocking out Rock, Asatias pulls a gun on him, but Peter 1 saves Dub when it brings out a small cannon that shot a ball at Asatias' hand, knocking his gun. When Asatias sees that Dub has a nice car, he challenges Dub to a race, promising to give him 1 million Zeni and to return the girl. They go race on the outskirts of town through a canyon. The race goes aerial as both vehicles change to their flying mode. As the thugs begin to shoot Dub with their vehicle, Peter 1 pulls out a missile launcher from under the hood and destroys their vehicle, making Dub the winner.


Peter and Dub in Dragon Ball Heroes: Victory Mission

After Dub wins the 1 million Zeni, he rushes over to Elizabeth, only to find out that she already has a child and a very muscular husband. Dub decides to give the 1 million Zeni to his friend Peter, and then asks for him to make a robot girl that resembles the real world actress Hikaru Nishida.

Dragon Ball Heroes: Victory Mission

Dub and Peter appear in the first chapter of Victory Mission. They are shown near Satan City Primary School, surprised to see Beat leaving the school so quickly to rush to an arcade.

