Dragon Ball Wiki

Arlia (アーリア星 Āria-sei) is an anime-only planet in the North Area that is home to the Arlians.


The planet is mostly covered in ruins of old and crumbling buildings, aside from the palace, and the atmosphere was dark and unpleasant looking and has two moons in its sky. Aside from the residential Arlians, there are also giant caterpillar-like steeds.


While on his way to Earth with Nappa, Vegeta set the wake-up timer on his Attack Ball early so he could take over Arlia, with the intention of capturing the planet for the Frieza Force to sell. After a battle with King Moai and his guards, it was destroyed by Vegeta using a Galick Beam, after he and Nappa decided that the planet was in too poor of a condition to bring in any good profit for the Frieza Force.

During the destruction of the planet, it shows one moon being destroyed with the planet. However, when Vegeta and Nappa are on the planet, the sky holds two moons, it is possible that the second moon was simply too far away to be destroyed as well.[1]

Notable Residents[]


