Dragon Ball Wiki

"Reenter the Dragon" (シェンロンふたたび!! Shenron Futatabi!!, lit. "Once Again, Shenlong!!") is the one hundred eleventh chapter of the Dragon Ball manga.


The cover of this chapter shows Shenron towering over Upa and Goku.


Upa is brought back to life

Bora is brought back to life

Goku returns to the others on the Flying Nimbus with the final Dragon Ball, and he tells Upa to come with him to Korin Tower. The two boys board the Flying Nimbus and set off for their destination. The others talk about Goku, and Fortuneteller Baba reveals that she had a vague premonition that Goku will someday save the world.

Goku and Upa reach Korin Tower and head to the base of it, where the grave of Bora is located. Goku lays out the Dragon Balls together, and Goku yells for Shenron to come. The sky grows dark, and the reunition of the seven Dragon Balls summons Shenron. Shenron asks them what they wish for, and Upa asks Shenron to revive his father. Bora rises from his grave, revived.




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Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball Chapters and Volumes
Volume 1 123456789101112
Volume 2 131415161718192021222324
Volume 3 252627282930313233343536
Volume 4 373839404142434445464748
Volume 5 495051525354555657585960
Volume 6 616263646566676869707172
Volume 7 737475767778798081828384
Volume 8 858687888990919293949596
Volume 9 979899100101102103104105106107108
Volume 10 109110111112113114115116117118119120
Volume 11 121122123124125126127128129130131132
Volume 12 133134135136137138139140141142143144
Volume 13 145146147148149150151152153154155156
Volume 14 157158159160161162163164165166167168
Volume 15 169170171172173174175176177178179180
Volume 16 181182183184185186187188189190191192193194
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Fortuneteller Baba Saga
Commander Red Saga
Dragon Ball
Tien Shinhan Saga